What are we doing at our office with regard to the Coronavirus?
We will be limiting the number of people in our office to only those that are currently being treated. While inside we will direct you through our office in a manner that will reduce the number of people you are near.
Please brush and floss your teeth prior to your scheduled appointment. This will help to minimize traffic at our toothbrushing station while you are here. It will also help expedite your appointment.
Appointment times have to be carefully coordinated per California State Board of Dental Examiners Regulations. The time we have reserved for each appointment is more than adequate but requires all of us to be on time. We will have to manage our procedures to have all patients checked out of the office within their designated time slot so as to not affect all other remaining patients for the day.
We are currently accepting new patients, however, walk-in appointments cannot be taken at this time. We will always have designated times set aside for emergencies Please call ahead to schedule an arrival time with us.
Please call our office to inform us that you have arrived for your appointment. You can remain in your vehicle, and we will call you and inform you to meet us at the front door when a room is available.
We ask that all scheduled children be accompanied by only one adult. If your child is able to come in on their own, we will call you afterward regarding any further treatment recommendations if deemed necessary by the doctors.
It is the responsibility of the accompanying adult to remain with their children at all times during the visit. Please have other family members wait outside in the car or remain at home (if applicable, with a responsible adult.)
We will be disinfecting areas of high contact (door handles, counters, chairs in the lobby, etc.) several times throughout the day.
We will be taking every patient's temperature as well as any accompanying adult prior to entering the office at each dental appointment.
Our staff will be equipped with the highest level of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that is available to us at any given time.
Hand sanitizer will be available for use in our office.
We will review the following questions to every patient (or family) prior to entering the office. If any of the following apply, we will assist you in finding appropriate medical care and ask that you defer elective dental treatment for three weeks post-symptoms. If you have a dental emergency, it will be managed accordingly.
1. Anytime in the last 14 days, have you had (or currently have) any of the following symptoms?
Fever, Nausea, Sore Throat, Cough, Shortness of Breath?
Loss of your sense of smell or taste?
Any GI symptoms? Diarrhea?
2. Have ever you tested positive for COVID-19 or have been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting results?
3. Have you been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
4. Have you traveled outside the United States by air or cruise ship in the past 14 days?
5. Have you traveled within the United States by air, bus, or train within the past 14 days?
If you have any questions or concerns, contact us any time at 661 324-1725.